The ‘right school’ for a student with additional needs will be informed by a number of critical factors including;

  • Culture - does the school have a genuinely inclusive culture that values all students equally?

  • Capacity - does the school have specific experience in successfully supporting students with this disability?

  • Collaboration - does the school actively involve parents and external professionals as equal partners in the planning process?

  • Size - will the size, (number of students, amount of noise and movement) of the school be overwhelming for my child?

  • Support - does the school have a knowledgeable, well resourced Learning Support Team?

  • Class Size - while researchers may argue about the impact of this factor, for students with additional needs, it matters.

  • Transition - is the school a K-12, K-6 or Year 7-12 setting? Does the school have fluent processes to support students at key transition points?

We support parents by;

  • Defining a set of selection criteria that are specific to your child.

  • Facilitating school site visits and the application process

  • Liaising with external professionals (Speech, Occupational Therapy, Pediatricians, Behaviour Therapists and psychologists) to inform effective support

  • Co-designing Individual Transition, Adjustment and Education Plans