Effective study skills involve more than re-reading and summarisng notes from class - (in fact these are often the least effective use of study time).

Recent advances in brain imaging provide unique insights into how information is taken in, encoded, stored and retrieved. These insights, when translated into practical strategies, help ensure that students maximise their study time.

For students with disabilities such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Specific Learning Disorders, the use of these skills frees up cognitive resources (Working Memory in particular), which can be devoted to attention, focus and self regulation.


We support schools with Professional Learning, Information Evenings and resources for students, parents and teachers that explicitly describe and model a range of effective learning/study strategies including; Retrieval Practice, Elaboration, Spaced Practice, Dual Coding and Concrete Examples

Most importantly, students are taught how to embed these strategies within a structured study schedule as well as how to avoid procrastination and reduce exam anxiety. Teachers in turn are guided in the fluent implementation of a range of metacognitive strategies that are informed by neuroscience.

Learn more about Study Skills and Metacognitive Teaching

the six habits of highly successful students

ten metacognitve teaching strategies

learning how to learn - MOOC - Dr Barbara Oakley