What is the ONLINE Coaching Model?

Online coaching in positive classroom management is an opportunity for schools to build the capacity of all teachers to reduce problem behaviours and increase student engagement.

The Online Coaching Model aligns with the Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program - (Tim is a qualified PBIS Coach).

The key point of difference is that within our training teachers are explicitly taught a range of effective classroom management strategies and provided with personal feedback for the implementation of each.

How does it work?

Schools enrol all staff or individual teachers in the online course and Tim works with designated school leader/s to;

  • identify the unique features of your setting/classroom.

  • understand current behavioural priorities and staff capacity

  • work with teachers to develop behavioural structures and routines that support student self regulation and engagement (Tier 1)

  • support teachers to better understand the most common disabilities that impact learning and behaviour (ADHD, ASD, mental health, Specific Learning Disorders)

  • work with teachers to better understand the function of persistent behavioural issues (Tier 2/3)

  • support teachers to understand the role of external professionals and parents as a part of effective behaviour support (Tier 2/3)

  • measure quantitative and qualitative change including reduction in behavioural incidents, improved classroom ‘tone’, improved teacher capacity

Book Online Coaching here.

or contact us for more information.