A responsive, knowledgeable school Learning Support Team is a critical resource for all teachers and students including those with additional needs.

We support schools in the implementation and review of Learning Support teams including advice on;

  • establishing multi-tiered systems for referral and support

  • how to ensure the school’s learning support team is building the capacity of all teachers

  • how to embed best practice frameworks including universal design for learning (UDL) into the learning support process

  • how to maximise the impact of learning support personnel including para professionals

  • how to create genuine culture change within schools (including moving teachers away from an expectation that students with additional needs are withdrawn by learning support staff).

Learn more about Learning Support Teams

learning support in nsw public schools - rawsthorne,evans

multi tiered systems of support (MTSS) -

strategies and practices for effective use of paraprofessionals - pbis/nj