A recent publication (Australian Evidence - Based Clinical Practice Guideline for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD), from the Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA), names ADHD Coaching as a non pharmacological intervention that could be considered as part of a treatment plan for adolescents and adults. Unfortunately, the somewhat nebulous nature of ‘coaching’ as a construct, and the dearth of research to support it can make it hard for parents to make an informed decision about its effectiveness.

We provide ADHD coaching that specifically addresses;

  • self image - a major risk factor for children and adolescents with ADHD is the development of a negative self image and the unhelpful mental scripts that inform it. We work with young people to effectively identify and reframe this negative self talk and the negative self image that can result.

  • psychoeducation - In simple terms, ADHD ‘Psychoeducation’ involves learning about the disorder and how it impacts others, and myself. In the case of ADHD this includes a realisation that many successful, creative people have the disorder (and many would even call it a strength). Psychoeducation also describes effective self management strategies.

  • planning and organisation - ADHD is best characterised as an Executive Function deficit that impacts focus and (selective) attention, ability to ‘externalise’ time, emotional regulation and more. We work with young people to scaffold their executive functions by modifying their environments and daily routines effectively ‘outsourcing’ them to Procedural (muscle) memory.

  • optimising cognitive resources - There are 2 main brain ‘modes’ implicated in ADHD, the Focus Mode/Network and the Default Mode/Network. Young people with ADHD find it more cognitively effortful to ‘turn down’ the brain’s default mode and sustain focused attention. This in turn leads to issues such as avoidance and procrastination - ADHD hallmarks. We support young people with ADHD to better understand the role of each brain mode and optimise and use both more efficiently at home and in the classroom. This includes specific strategies to move information to Long Term Memory and free up cognitive resource that can be reallocated to other executive functions.

  • professional learning - Teachers, and parents benefit from a solid contextual knowledge of the disorder. and guidance in applying this knowledge to individual students/children. We support schools and parents by the provision of clear, jargon free professional learning and resources.