Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder with a strong genetic component.
Impacting attention, focus and executive function, the disorder can present as distractibiity, disorganisation, losing belongings, forgetting equipment, missing deadlines for homework assignments and poor impulse control.
School aged children with ADHD often struggle with emotional regulation, motivation and an inability to externalise time.
Viewed through a neurological lens, ADHD is an inability to turn down the brain’s default network to enable the performance monitoring network to function at an optimal level.
The good news is that the disorder responds more positively than any other to a well targeted treatment plan. Paradoxically, in many cases an evidence informed treatment plan is absent or poorly implemented.
We support schools and families to;
link with relevant external professionals for assessment and family support as appropriate
identify key point/s of performance at which the student is impacted within a school day
define and implement adjustments to minimise this impact within individual education,learning and adjustment plans
understand and implement a comprehensive, evidence informed treatment plan
design and implement positive behaviour plans
train school staff to better understand and work with the disorder
Learn more about ADHD.